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Entries have now closed
Entries have now closed for Horses, Cattle and Sheep, Poultry & Pigeon and Produce & Handicrafts. For further information with regards to entries please contact the Secretary.
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Waitrose Community Funds
We're over the moon to be selected as one of the recipients in April from the Waitrose Community Funds.
Each time a customer does their shopping at Waitrose they receive a little green token. There is then three 'Community funds' that the customer can choose from, simply choose the most worthy cause and put the token in the corresponding box and Waitrose will make a donation depending on the amount of tokens in the box at the end of the month.
A big thank you goes to Waitrose for making us one of their chosen three community funds, and any customers that choose us!
If you have any queries about any aspect of the show, please contact Janet on 01943 462 541.
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Produce and Handicraft Classes
Produce and Handicraft Classes are now available to download
Click here to download classes---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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We're delighted to have held a handicraft class at our show on May 19th for Premature Baby Blankets. We had over 20 entries and all these were donated to the Harrogate Hospital. Thank you to all exhibitors who participated in this class and we hope you'll continue to support this endeavour. The schedule for 2019 will be available early next year.
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Poultry Show cancellation - Otley Show 2017
Following the recent announcement of a second case of avian flu in Lancashire, and in the absence (to date) of any firm instruction or guidance from DEFRA, the Poultry committee of Otley Show have made the difficult decision to cancel the poultry section of the show.
The pigeon section and egg section WILL go ahead, subject to regulations regarding the movement of birds and eggs set by DEFRA.
All on the Poultry committee have pushed as hard as they can to stage a poultry show if at all possible, but the situation as it stands means that they cannot reasonably expect to hold a Poultry show without an unacceptable degree of risk.
Otley Show understands that this will be disappointing news to those who planned to exhibit poultry, but trust that everyone will understand the reasons for this regrettable decision.